The site


A Sanctuary of extraordinary wealth!

Our Lady of Chartres Cathedral is a central place of sacred art, whose collection of works has been celebrating God’s glory for the past 800 years. There are numerous celebrations and events, including many concerts which take place throughout the year.
It is especially a central place for Christian pilgrimages , with Mary at its center, welcoming all those who come to visit.


Chartres is one of the great Christian pilgrimages – turning towards Mary and towards Christ. People come searching for true faith in this privileged place. It is a personal choice, which may be rooted in history, but remains just as current as ever: day pilgrimages, great pilgrimages, walking the labyrinth… more than 180,000 pilgrims come to bring their intentions to the Virgin Mary at Chartres Cathedral every year…    

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Chartres, 1000 years of Pilgrimage, join history!

Chartres Cathedral Millennium – Jubilee 1024 – 2024

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Music & Events

Special Evening Events, the International Festival and Summer Pipe Organ Concerts bring to life some of the most beautiful sacred works and make the vaulting resonate…
Sacred music, which breathes meaning and beauty into celebrations, has always had a privileged place in Chartres.


the cathedral’s heritage

The Labyrinth

Special Evening Events

Three original programs are offered until 10 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from July to the end of August to rediscover this exceptional place…

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