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"The mysteries of the cathedral" - visits this summer: Friday, August 18 at 2:30 pm (these tour is in French)

Next date: Friday, August 18 at 2:30 pm

Between faith, legend and history

The Cathedral’s Visitor Service offers you a journey into the fascinating symbols of a sacred place: a temple, heir to Solomon’s.

In the bowels of the cathedral, in the largest crypt in France, you will discover the legends surrounding the statue of Notre-Dame de Sous Terre and an ancient Gallo-Roman well, known as the “saints forts”.

The nail of the summer solstice will reveal you its reason of being.

The labyrinth will reveal its deep meaning, its history and its message for the present time.

The builders and the imagers, through enigmatic signs, will teach you the mysteries of life: of time and eternity, of the human and the divine, of Earth and Heaven…

A visit to read an immense book of stones and glass, carrying a universal message.



– the visits start at 2:30 pm, last 2 hours, and are only in French language

– the RV point is at the cathedral store (see on the map)

Contact the Visitors Service by phone on (+33) 2 37 21 75 02 or by e-mail.

– visit open to individuals. For groups, please contact the Visits Department